Chair for Atmospheric Physics

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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)

Chair for Atmospheric Physics

null null, 82234 Weßling

Go to websiteMeteorology

Affiliated institutions

  • ArchaeoBioCenter
  • Centre for BioImaging
  • Center for Advanced Studies (CAS)
  • Center for Leadership and People Management
  • Faculty of Protestant Theology
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Geosciences
  • Faculty of History and Creative Arts
  • Faculty of Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science
  • Faculty of Physics
    • Physics of Nanosystems
    • Systems Biophysics Group
    • Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics
    • Center for Nanoscience
    • Nanospectroscopy Group
    • Quantum Transport Group
    • Research Site Garching
    • Professorship for Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Artificial Intelligence
    • Chair in Astro Particle Physics and Cosmology
    • Chair of Biomolecular Optics
    • Chair of Physics Education
    • Chair in Experimental Physics - Elementary Particle Physics
    • Chair for Experimental Physics - Hybrid Nanosystems
    • Chair of Experimental Physics - Laser Physics
    • Chair in Experimental Physics - Laser Spectroscopy
    • Chair in Experimental Physics - Medical Physics
    • Chair in Quantum Optics
    • Chair in Solid State Physics
    • Chair in Experimental Physics: Biophysics and Physics of Soft Condensed Matter
    • Chair of Experimental Physics - Biophysics and Molecular Materials
    • Chair for Cosmology and Structure Formation
    • Chair in Mathematical Physics and String Theory
    • Lehrstuhl für Molekulare Physik des Lebens
    • Chair for Photonics and Optoelectronics
    • Chair in Statistical and Biological Physics
    • Chair of Theoretical Astrophysics of Extrasolar
    • Chair of Theoretical Solid State Physics
    • Chair of Theoretical Physics - Computational and Plasma Physics
    • Chair in Theoretical Physics - Pollet Group
    • Chair in Theoretical Physics - Particle Physics
    • Chair of Theoretical and Numerical Astrophysics
    • Institute of Meteorology
      • Working Group: Tropical Meteorology, Meso- and Micrometeorology
      • Chair for Atmospheric Physics
    • Chair for Experimental Quantum Physics
    • Wendelstein Observatory
  • Faculty of Psychology and Education
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
  • Humanities Centre
  • Institute of Bavarian History
  • Institute of Chemical Epigenetics (ICEM)
  • Interfaculty Center for Endocrine and Cardiovascular Disease Network Modelling and Clinical Transfer (ICON LMU)
  • ITG - IT-Group Humanities
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology
  • University Hospital of Munich
  • käte hamburger research centre - dis:connectivity in processes of globalisation
  • LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center
  • LMU Munich School of Management
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
  • Munich Risk and Insurance Center
  • Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (MUSA)
  • Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics
  • Munich Centre for the Ancient World
  • Nanosystems Initiative Munich
  • Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Stiftung für Arbeitsbeziehungen und Arbeitsrecht
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • University Archive
  • University Library
  • Department of Economics
  • Diversity Management
  • Center for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice
  • GeoBio-Center Centre for Geobiology and Biodiversity Research
  • Centre for Courses for Senior Citizens

Projekts / Doctoral Opportunities