Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) Berlin School of Mind and Brain Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology Border Crossings - Crossing Borders. Berlin Centre for Transnational Border Research Center for Humanities and Social Change Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity Research Programme on Religious Communities and Sustainable Development Georg Simmel Centre for Metropolitan Studies Central Institute: Great Britain Centre Hermann von Helmholtz-Centre for Cultural Engineering Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) Integrative Research Institute (IRI) for the Life Sciences Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys) Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research Research Platform for Law Franz von Liszt Institute of International Criminal Law Institute of the Legal Profession Institute of Banking and Financial Markets Law at the Humboldt University of Berlin Institute of Notary Law
Institute for International and European Law Junior Professorship in Civil Law, with a focus on Private International Law and Comparative Law Chair of Civil Law, Industrial Property Law, and Copyright Law Chair for Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law, especially Patent Law, Commercial Law, and Comparative Law Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Wirtschaftsrecht und Ökonomik Civil Law, Intangible Property Law and Intellectual Property Research Group Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung Chair for Civil Law and Company Law Chair of Civil Law and Economic Law Chair of Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, European and International Civil and Procedure Law and Comparative Law Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law, European Law, Environmental Law, Revenue Law and Economic Law Chair of Public Administration - Constitutional and Administrative Law Chair of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Revenue Law Chair of Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure, and Philosophy of Law Chair in Criminal Law, Criminal Litigation and Copyright Law Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Foreign Criminal Law and Criminal Theory Research Group Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, European Criminal Law and Modern Legal History Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, International Criminal Law and Contemporary Legal History Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Philosophy of Law and Comparative Law Public Law and Principles of Law Research Group Chair of Public Law, esp. Administrative Law Chair of Public Law and Gender Studies Chair of Public Law and the Philosophy of Law Chair for Public Law and Comparative Law Chair of Public Law, Russian Law, and Comparative Law Chair of Public Law, Social Law and Political Theory Chair of Public Law, Political and Legal Theory Civil Law, Technology and IT Law Research Group Professorship for Law and Migration Walter Hallstein Institute of European Constitutional Law
Civilisation, Social and Education Sciences Faculty Faculty of Mathematics and Science Faculty of Arts and Humanities Professional School of Education (PSE) Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities School of Business and Economics Institute for Catholic Theology Centre for Biophysics and Bioinformatics Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies