Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology

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Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology

Go to websiteID 29564Further university / University of applied ScienceEconomics and Business (General)Engineering (General)Universities (General)
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Quick profile*

The Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology (PHWT) is a government-accredited university of applied sciences offering dual (work-study) bachelor's and master's degree courses in the fields of business administration and engineering sciences. PHWT was founded as a result of an initiative by regional industry, and cooperation with these businesses is a key aspect of its identity. This cooperation has forged optimal links between theory and professional practice.

PHWT aspires to provide students with demand-oriented training through the applied sciences in teaching, study and research, both in theory and practice.


The vigorous exchange of ideas between its professors and the project specifications of the member businesses or external businesses is an important aspect of research & development at PHWT. PHWT concentrates its research priorities

  • in business administration under the topic of SME management,
  • in “Dr. Jürgen Ulderup” engineering studies under the topic of strength of metals and plastics, components and sub-assemblies
  • in Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Studies under the topics of autonomous mobile systems, smart systems and alternative propulsion systems.

PHWT’s transfer centre and the Centre for Materials and Engineering (ZWT), established in May 2015, are available for knowledge and technology transfer activities. The university accepts projects from industry and business to assist the businesses with queries, investigations, analysis or measurements.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Private University of Applied Sciences for Business and Technology

Rombergstraße 40
49377 Vechta

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