Center for InterAmerican Studies Active Sensing AG
Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy Research Group Chair of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology Arbeitsgruppe Biodiversität und Ökosystem Renaturierung Chair of Biology Didactics - Human Biology and Zoology Chair of Didactics of Biology - Botany and Cell Biology Department of Biological Cybernetics Chair for Chemical Ecology Research group Computational Biology Department of Evolutionary Biology Chair of Genetics of Prokaryotes Chair of Genetics and Genomics of Plants Department of Cognitive Neurosciences Department of Neurobiology Plant Biotechnology Working Group Proteome and Metabolome Research Group Research Group RNA Biology and Molecular Physiology Department Animal Ecology Department of Animal Behaviour Chair in Cell and Developmental Biology of Plants Department of Cell Biology Chair of Gene Technology and Microbiology
Faculty of Educational Science Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology Faculty of Linguistics and Literature Department of Mathematics Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science Other academic institutions Central academic institutes