Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC) Faculty 1 - Architecture and Urban Planning Faculty 10 - Management, Economics and Social Sciences Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty 4: Energy Technology, Process Engineering and Biological Engineering Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering (IAS) Institute for Electrical Energy Conversion Institute of Electrical and Optical Telecommunications Engineering Institute of Power Transmission and High-Voltage Engineering Institute of Formal Methods of Computer Science (FMI) Institute for Large Area Microelectronics Institute of Semiconductor Engineering Institute of Radio Frequency Technology (IHF) Institute of Information Security Institute of Smart Sensors (IIS) Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Systems (IKR) Institute for Artificial Intelligence Institute of Power Electronics and Electric Drives Institute of Computational Linguistics Institute of Telecommunications Institute of Nano- and Microelectronic Systems (INES) Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS) Institute for Photovoltaics (IPV) Institute of Computer Based Engineering Systems (IRIS) Institute for Robust Power Semi-Conductor Systems (ILH) Institute of Signal Processing and System Theory Institute of Software Engineering (ISTE) Institute of Computer Engineering (ITE) Institute of Visualisation and Interactive Systems (VIS) Department Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Department Computer Vision Department Graphical Interactive Systems Department Human-Computer-Interaction and Cognitive Systems Department Socio-Cognitive Systems Department Visualization
Institute Association Computer Science (IvI)
Faculty 6: Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy Faculty 7 - Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics Faculty 9: Faculty of Humanities Graduate School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME) High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS) International Centre for Research on Culture and Technology (IZKT) MPA Stuttgart, Otto Graf Institute (FMPA) SCoPE - Stuttgart Research Center of Photonic Engineering Visualisation Research Centre Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS)