Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+ - Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter Faculty 01: Catholic and Protestant Theology Faculty 02: Social Sciences, Media, and Sports Department 3: Law and Economics Chair of Accounting and Taxation Chair of Corporate Finance Chair of Business Administration and Banking Chair of Finance
Chair of International Economics Chair of Business Education
University Medical Center Mainz Faculty 05: Philosophy and Philology Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics and Cultural Studies Faculty 07: History and Cultural Sciences Department 08: Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty 09: Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences Research Reactor TRIGA Mainz Gutenberg Research College (GRC) Gutenberg Teaching Council (GTC) Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers Helmholtz Institute Mainz Spin Phenomena Interdisciplinary Center (SPICE) Center for Educational and Higher Educational Research (ZBH) Centre for Interdisciplinary Forensics Centre of Intercultural Studies Centre for Teacher Education (ZfL) Center for Quality Assurance and Development (ZQ) Center for Continuing Education