Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

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Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

Go to websiteID 233034640Further university / University of applied ScienceEducation (General)Social Services (General)Universities (General)Health Sciences (General)
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Quick profile*

The Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf is a private government-accredited university which has operated since 2011. Its courses of study are rooted in the educational tradition of the Kaiserswerther Diakonie for professions in health, social services and the education sector. Progress and tradition come together at the Fliedner University of Applied Sciences. This is true of the university's external structure as well as the design of its courses. In 2012, the university moved into a historic building that had been complemented by a modern addition. The result is a learning environment with a special atmosphere and pleasant working conditions.


In carrying out its research mandate, given its central focus on the healthcare, social services, early childhood development and education occupations, Fliedner University of Applied Sciences focuses predominantly on principles of practice and evaluation research.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Fliedner University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

Geschwister-Aufricht-Straße 9
40489 Düsseldorf

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