Chair of Algebra and Numeric Theory

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University of Stuttgart

Chair of Algebra and Numeric Theory

Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart

Go to websiteAlgebra, Discrete Mathematics and Number Theory

Affiliated institutions

  • Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC)
  • Faculty 1 - Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Faculty 10 - Management, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Faculty 2: Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Faculty 3: Chemistry
  • Faculty 4: Energy Technology, Process Engineering and Biological Engineering
  • Faculty 5: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
  • Faculty 6: Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy
  • Faculty 7 - Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
  • Faculty 8: Mathematics and Physics
    • Department of Mathematics
      • Institute of Algebra and Number Theory
        • Representation Theory Section
        • Chair of Algebra and Numeric Theory
      • Institute of Analysis, Dynamics and Modelling
      • Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation
      • Institute for Discrete Structures and Symbolic Computation (IDSC)
      • Institute of Geometry and Topology
      • Institute of Mathematical Methods in Engineering Sciences, Numeric Control and Geometric Modelling (IMNG)
      • Institute of Stochastics and Applications
    • Physics Department
  • Faculty 9: Faculty of Humanities
  • Graduate School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
  • High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)
  • Interchange Forum for Reflecting on Intelligent Systems (IRIS)
  • International Centre for Research on Culture and Technology (IZKT)
  • MPA Stuttgart, Otto Graf Institute (FMPA)
  • SCoPE - Stuttgart Research Center of Photonic Engineering
  • University Archive
  • University Library
  • Visualisation Research Centre
  • Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies (ZIRIUS)