Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Centre for Science and Peace Research (ZNF) Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Center for Earth System Research (CEN) DFG Centre for Advanced Studies – Imaginaria of Force Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies Future of Sustainability Exzellenzcluster Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS) Faculty of Business Administration Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Kinesiology Academy of World Religions General, Intercultural and International Comparative Education Science Section 3: Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning Section 5: Didactics of Social Science and Mathematical Science Subjects Section 4: Didactics of Linguistic and Aesthetic Subjects Section 2: School Education, Social Education, Special Needs Education and Educational Psychology
Faculty of the Humanities Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Faculty Psychology and Kinesiology Research Focus: Bioengineering, Society, and the Environment (BIOGUM) Hamburg Centre for Speech Corpora (HZSK) Hamburg Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Hub of Computing and Data Science (HCDS) International Tax Institute (IIFS) RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies School of Integrated Climate and Earth System Sciences (SICSS) The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging (CUI) Hamburg University Archive University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) Centre for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research Centre for Sustainable Research Data Management (FDM Centre)