Hamm-Lipstadt University of Applied Sciences

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Hamm-Lipstadt University of Applied Sciences

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Hamm-Lipstadt University of Applied Sciences

Picture credit: Hamm-Lipstadt University of Applied SciencesPetriukas (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY-SA 4.0

Quick profile*

Creative – innovative – practice-oriented: Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences is a state university of applied sciences that is still in its early years. We provide our students with modern learning conditions and a state-of-the-art laboratory environment on our dual campuses in Hamm and Lippstadt.  Our team of professors are experienced practitioners, ensuring that courses have a clear focus on current and future requirements in the marketplace.

Cooperation for innovation

Research at Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences is defined by future-oriented topics such as autonomous systems, information technology, materials sciences, human-machine interactions, optical technologies, electro-mobility, production/Industry 4.0, business administration, medicine and sports technology, energy and building engineering, visual computing and design. For example, the university is a partner in a number of research projects funded by the Federal Government such as MOST, the model-based process control of biogas plants, or in the “Interkom” group project, which is dedicated to the construction of a citizen-centred social collaboration platform. The EU research project BASTION is conducted at international level. The project focuses on research on, and the development of, efficient production tests for future microchips.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Hamm-Lipstadt University of Applied Sciences

Marker Allee 76-78
59063 Hamm

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