Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons Department of Safety and Radiation Protection Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) Institute of Biological Information Processing (IBI) Institute of Nuclear Physics Institut für nachhaltige Wasserstoffwirtschaft Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine INM-10: Brain Structure Function Relationship INM-1: Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain INM-2: Molecular Organization of the Brain INM-3: Cognitive Neuroscience INM-4: Medical Imaging Physics INM-5: Nuclear Chemistry
INM-6: Computational and Systems Neuroscience INM-7: Brain and Behaviour INM-8: Ethics in the Neurosciences JARA-Institute: Molecular Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (JBI 2 / INM-11)
Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS) Institute of Energy Materials and Devices (IMD) John von Neumann Institute for Computing Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI) Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics (ZEA)