Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

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Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

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Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

Picture credit: Dresden University of Applied SciencesHTW Dresden (Peter Sebb) (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY-SA 3.0

Quick profile*

Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden) has a strong profile in engineering and business, complemented by expertise in design. With over 5,000 students, it is the second-largest university of applied sciences in the state capital. HTW Dresden is a university of applied sciences with strong ties to the region and an international outlook. The university offers a wide range of practically oriented courses.


Research at HTW Dresden focuses primarily on the four key areas of mobile systems and mechatronics, sustainable livelihoods, information systems, corporate management and start-ups. With its strong application-based research, the university is an important partner for SMEs, in particular in Saxony, and has excellent contacts with the large number of technology and research centres based in Dresden, for example within the framework of the Dresden concept. Special emphasis is placed on the unity of practice-based studies and applied research under the university’s motto, ”teach through research – research through teaching”. Students have the option of participating in research projects in their bachelor's, Diplom, master's and other minor theses. High-achieving graduates can complete a doctorate within the framework of the State of Saxony's cooperative model.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden

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