Jena University of Applied Sciences

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Jena University of Applied Sciences

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Jena University of Applied Sciences

Picture credit: Jena University of Applied SciencesClaudia Sadewasser (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY-SA 4.0

Quick profile*

Study and research at Jena University of Applied Sciences (EAH Jena) are academically grounded, interdisciplinary in approach and strongly practice-oriented, with its nine faculties offering courses in engineering sciences, business administration, social and health sciences. The university has close ties to the region together with an international approach and maintains extensive networks with academia, business and society. Jena University of Applied Sciences has a lively campus and modern laboratories with excellent technical facilities.


As a university that focuses on practical applications, Jena University of Applied Sciences works closely with partners in business and research. These active cooperation arrangements underpin the university's relevance to current practice, both in its research and development and in its teaching. The university’s core research areas are precision systems, technologies and tools as well as health and sustainability. These focuses have been shaped by Jena’s strengths and its history as a centre for optics and photonics, health and life sciences. EAH supports the transfer of knowledge through practical placements and dissertations, and provides doctoral positions to outstanding graduates to support doctoral training. The university also offers active support and guidance for business start-ups.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Jena University of Applied Sciences

Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2
07745 Jena

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