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Quick profile*
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy College of Music and Drama, Leipzig, was created in 1992 by the merger of the oldest German universities of music (1843) and theatre (1953, with roots in the Leipziger Schauspielschule founded in 1875/1876).
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy College of Music and Drama, Leipzig, was created in 1992 by the merger of the oldest German universities of music (1843) and theatre (1953, with roots in the Leipziger Schauspielschule founded in 1875/1876).
As befits a university of music and drama, the college focuses its activities on artistic practice, organising a large number of its own performances. It also maintains close ties within the rich cultural landscape of Leipzig, central Germany and beyond. Consonant with Mendelssohn's founding principle of an all-round education, the fields of musicology, music education, musical theory, dramaturgy and theatre studies are well represented at the College of Music and Drama, Leipzig, and are thus increasingly positioned to make their own mark on scholarship and research.
Read more*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
Further information on sources
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Institution identifier DFG-Institut-ID: 10392 | Research Organization Registry ROR-ID: 04msbx814 |