Brandenburg University of Technology

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Brandenburg University of Technology

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Brandenburg University of Technology

Picture credit: information communication and multimedia center Cottbus (IKMZ)Stormfighter (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY 3.0

Quick profile*

Brandenburg University of Technology – researching, teaching and learning with passion
Brandenburg University of Technology, located in the heart of Lusatia, combines excellent international research with future-oriented teaching. The university makes a crucial contribution to society, culture and the economy through knowledge and technology transfer and continuing education. Brandenburg University of Technology offers around 70 courses that can be studied at a university, university of applied sciences, in a dual (work-study) programme and internationally. Its students, currently numbering around 7,600, appreciate the atmosphere on campus, which is both international and intimate.

Interdisciplinary research for a better world tomorrow

Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg is a research-focused university with a strong emphasis on basic and applied research. The following fields of research shape the university’s profile:

  • smart regions and heritage
  • energy efficiency and sustainability
  • biotechnology, environment and health
  • cognitive and reliable cyber-physical systems
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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Brandenburg University of Technology

Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1
03046 Cottbus

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