Dortmund University of Applied Sciences – tradition and innovation
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences has its origins in the “Königlichen Werkmeisterschule für Maschinenbauer”, a college for mechanical engineers with royal patronage which opened in 1890. Despite the passage of many years, the fundamental principle remains unchanged: the university's courses and teaching focus on finding solutions to real-life problems and tasks, and experienced professors guarantee their direct relevance to professional practice. Hence, courses today offer an education with a wealth of perspectives and very good employment prospects.
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences – tradition and innovation
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences has its origins in the “Königlichen Werkmeisterschule für Maschinenbauer”, a college for mechanical engineers with royal patronage which opened in 1890. Despite the passage of many years, the fundamental principle remains unchanged: the university's courses and teaching focus on finding solutions to real-life problems and tasks, and experienced professors guarantee their direct relevance to professional practice. Hence, courses today offer an education with a wealth of perspectives and very good employment prospects.
Today, students today can complete all academic levels from a bachelor’s degree and master's right through to cooperative doctoral degree programmes. Or they can choose a dual (work-study) programme. The world is changing – and modern universities of applied sciences along with it.
Research and doctorate
More than 250 researchers work, teach and research at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences. As the largest university of applied sciences in the Ruhr region, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences provides major impetus for the region through successful research projects, interdisciplinary research groups and numerous transfer projects.
Doctoral researchers are supported in their research activities and projects by their doctoral research training group, which provides a cross-disciplinary platform.