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Quick profile*
The fundamental concept behind the training offered at Folkwang University of the Arts is an interdisciplinary approach to work and interconnections between the arts. Hence, a lively exchange between the different disciplines is as essential to study as are theatre and live experience – right from the start. Joy in experimentation, innovative art forms and concepts and constant relevance to the working and daily lives of artists and scholars, teachers and designers are strong features of every training course at Folkwang.
The fundamental concept behind the training offered at Folkwang University of the Arts is an interdisciplinary approach to work and interconnections between the arts. Hence, a lively exchange between the different disciplines is as essential to study as are theatre and live experience – right from the start. Joy in experimentation, innovative art forms and concepts and constant relevance to the working and daily lives of artists and scholars, teachers and designers are strong features of every training course at Folkwang.
Doctorate and habilitation at Folkwang University of the Arts
There are opportunities to undertake both a doctorate and a habilitation at Folkwang University of the Arts in musicology, music education, art and design studies, theory and history of photography and ergonomics.
Read more*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
Further information on sources
Institute for Computer Music and Electronic Media (icem) Institut für Zeitgenössischen Tanz (IZT)
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Institution identifier DFG-Institut-ID: 10299 | Research Organization Registry ROR-ID: 03gf02c22 |