Clausthal University of Technology

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Clausthal University of Technology

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Clausthal University of Technology

Picture credit: Clausthal University of TechnologyFlorian Hoffmann (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY-SA 3.0 de

Quick profile*

Energy – material – information: these are the key topics at Clausthal University of Technology. Researchers are concerned with three major questions in particular: How do we obtain a reliable, environmentally friendly and affordable supply of energy? What high-tech materials and processes can we use to advance technical innovations? And how do we shape the digital transformation?


For over 240 years, researchers at Clausthal University of Technology have been studying the extraction, refinement, storage, distribution, use and reuse of the resources of this earth. This topic, Material, is complemented by the fields of Energy and Information. The interplay of these three aspects of energy, material and information is a recurring theme for the university. Four core research areas have been defined which expand on that theme:

  • Sustainable energy systems
  • Raw materials supply and resource efficiency
  • Innovative materials and processes for competitive products
  • Open cyber-physical systems and simulation
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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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Clausthal University of Technology

Adolph-Roemer-Straße 2a
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

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