University of Education Freiburg

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University of Education Freiburg

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University of Education Freiburg

Picture credit: University of Education Freiburgjoergens.mi (Wikimedia Commons)CC BY-SA 3.0

Quick profile*

The University of Education Freiburg offers excellent research-based initial training and continuing education distinguished by a strong applied focus and relevance to workplace practice. This professional integration of theory and practice is an important aspect of study at the University of Education Freiburg. The university's reputation in international/language areas and mathematics/natural sciences is frequently the deciding factor when choosing to study in Freiburg.


Research at the university focuses on teaching and learning in schools and other educational facilities. Research is also conducted on topics in pre- and extra-curricular educational sciences, e.g. health education, early childhood education or German as a second and foreign language. The competence network entitled KeBU Freiburg (Kompetenzverbund Empirische Bildungs- und Unterrichtsforschung), which is part of the Freiburg Advanced Center of Education (FACE), is a successful research and early career researcher network through which the University of Education Freiburg cooperates with the University of Freiburg and the State College of Music in Freiburg.

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*Self-portrayal of the institution by the HRK.
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University of Education Freiburg

Kunzenweg 21
79117 Freiburg

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